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A fresh new look for the Calaveras Visitors Bureau

Check out our brand spankin’ new website and blog too

We are welcoming in 2012 with a fresh new look and are proud to unveil our new Website this week.

We invite you to look around and take in the new additions, including a blog where we’ll be sharing stories from around Calaveras County that inspire many of us to live here and others to visit regularly. On that front, you can expect to read everything we think is worth shouting from the rooftops here in Calaveras…businesses that are doing neat things, under the radar activities, news about our events, and more.

We hope the video about biking the Arnold Rim Trail on the homepage catches your eye too. We’re going to be creating more and more content like this to get people excited about hopping in their cars and heading out to the area for a day, a weekend or maybe even a week.

And speaking of vacation-planning, we’ve put together seasonal itineraries for every activity level so nobody can ever be stumped again about what there is to do here in Calaveras County. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway, a family weekend, or an adrenaline-pumping adventure, we’ve got something for everyone. Read the itineraries here.

We’re still fine-tuning the site, but we’d love to hear your feedback. Leave a comment below and tell us what you think about our new look.

Happy New Year!