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Public Safety Power Shutoffs – Tips for Visitors and Locals

With PG&E’s public safety power shutoffs projected to occur multiple times per year in high risk areas, the Calaveras Visitors Bureau is working on putting together power outage tips for visitors and locals.

We’ll have 24-hours’ notice before shutoff, but outages may last for days. Find out more here:  https://oes.calaverasgov.us/Notifications or go directly to the sign up page for alerts on your phone through Calaveras Alert. We highly recommend opting in to this free service even if you are already receiving emergency messages from Nixle.

The Calaveras Visitors Bureau’s tips will include information on where visitors and locals can still enjoy Calaveras recreation and entertainment, which restaurants have generators, where cooling and charging centers will be located, and how to keep cool when air conditioning isn’t readily available. Information of assistance to our local communities will also be coming from the county’s Office of Emergency Services and we will be disseminating that information to you through our partner newsletters.

Meanwhile, our first step is to compile information for visitors on what attractions, recreation, entertainment, lodging and dining are available in Calaveras when the power is out. If your business has contingency measures that make it possible for you to be open during power shut-offs, please send us an email as soon as possible, letting us know which specific services will be available. Those tourism-related businesses that are able to remain open will be promoted to visitors and locals through our website, social media, email campaigns and visitors center.

We will also be sharing this information to the City of Angels Camp and the Calaveras County Office of Emergency Services, to augment the information they’re collecting.

If you haven’t yet checked out recommendations for businesses to prepare for public safety power shutoffs, here are some resources we’ve compiled: