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Calaveras Big Trees Gift Shop and Museum

1170 E. Highway 4 Arnold
(209) 795-2334
State Park Website

CA State Park Website

Visitors Center Hours

7 days per week, year-round: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm daily

Park Hours

Sunrise to sunset daily

Day Use Entrance Fee

$10 per vehicle for up to 9 passengers

Big Trees Association Website

Big Trees Association's website

The Calaveras Big Trees Visitor Center has a wonderful museum for your enjoyment. They have many large and small mammals on display as well as hands on items for your viewing and educational experience.  Have you ever seen a 400 pound Black Bear up close?  Do you know what the difference is between a Mountain Lion and a Bobcat?  Find the answers to these questions and many more. Learn more about the first nations people to walk this forest, the Miwok people, or get to know the local ecosystem from birds and squirrels, to rocks, logging and fires, there’s something in the museum for everyone. Admission to the museum is included with your paid admission to the park.