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Murphys Business Association

(209) 890-1742


If you do business in or around the Murphys area, we highly recommend you consider becoming a part of the Murphys Business Association (MBA). The MBA meets on the first Thursday of each month at Murphys Historic Hotel in order to discuss topics of interest to local business owners, plan events and brainstorm how best to promote Murphys, its businesses and its events.

Membership meetings are open to the public and anyone who is interested is welcome to attend. Please contact us in advance if you’d like time to present an idea or discussion item so we can make sure to include you on the agenda.  Whether planning to attend or present, it is always best to confirm meeting times in advance. Need to meet with an Association representative, ask a question, or obtain access to records? Contact the MBA via  info@visitmurphys.com.