Tourism Marketing Research
As a destination marketing organization, the Calaveras Visitors Bureau keeps up with the latest trends and industry best practices in tourism marketing through our partnerships with industry leaders like Visit California, and DMAwest (formerly the Western Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus). Investment in ROI studies for an individual destination can be prohibitively expensive, especially when funds are limited, so we’re delighted to be able to bring you these studies which show the effectiveness of different DMO marketing strategies as well as the results of costly studies funded by Visit California showing up to date market information for Calaveras County.
Visit California Market Study for High Sierra
Calaveras County falls within two of Visit California’s marketing regions: the Gold Country, and the High Sierra. Our High Sierra territory begins in Arnold and continues east to just before Bear Valley where Alpine County begins. Outdoor recreation along the Ebbetts Pass National Scenic Byway brings more tourism into the county than any other region, because it serves the adventure outdoor recreation segment – our biggest tourism draw. For that reason, the High Sierra is a major economic driver for tourism in Calaveras County. Visit California has just published new research through OmniTrak, providing fresh data on the High Sierra visitor profile (published August 2018). Click the image to go to the full PDF report.
DMO Website User & Conversion Study
Our web visitation stats are impressive. But on average, how do our web visitors translate to destination visitation? This study gives the answers.

In 2016, the DMA West Education & Research Foundation partnered with Destination Analysts to conduct a year-long Website User & Conversion Study on DMO websites. The Foundation’s overarching goal for commissioning this study was to examine travelers who use DMO websites in order to develop a profile of these users, and to measure the extent that this marketing asset converts its users to actual visitors of the destination it promotes. DMA West member DMOs were invited to participate in this cooperative research project. In total, thirteen (13) DMOs undertook this research. See the results of the website study.
DMO Visitor Guide User & Conversion Study
When online marketing is so successful, you might wonder why destination marketing organizations still opt to include the production and distribution of expensive, magazine quality, visitors guides in their marketing strategy. This study will show you why.

The Foundation retained Destination Analysts, Inc. to assist DMOs in developing a profile of travelers who use DMO-published official Visitor Guides and estimate the Return on Investment these official Visitor Guides bring to their respective communities. The Foundation and a corporate sponsor, Madden Media, provided funds to support this industry research project in conjunction with discounted fees paid by DMOs in the core study group.
This was a year-long research study. The executive summary was released in March 2014 and is available to destination marketers at no charge. See the results of the visitor guide study.
Related links: Calaveras Tourism Impacts | CVB Annual Report